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There are many types of floats and equipment that can be used when learning to swim. You might see most of them when you take swimming lessons. These adult swimming aids are great for helping you learn to swim. Here is a list of some of the most useful equipment and how to use each piece when taking your adult swim lessons in Miami.

Floats Or Kickboards

These are most commonly used to practice leg kicks. You can use the floats by simply holding them with your hands through the two hand holes, or you can also grip over the top of the float. Beginning with a strong push-off from the wall will make it easier for you. Then try to get your body in a horizontal position at the water’s surface and start with your leg kick. To practice backstroke leg kicks, you can lie on your back. You may either hug the board to your chest or place it above your head so that it stays flat on the water. This will help to keep the body streamlined as you kick. Your instructor from the adult swim lessons in Miami can guide you to achieve perfection through practice.

Pull Buoys

Pull buoys come in the shape of the figure eight. This is another important piece of equipment that helps adult learners to swim. It can be placed between the thigh or ankles in order to provide support to the body without using the legs, which keeps you free to focus on your arm strokes and develop upper body strength. Using this equipment will promote good body position, help you improve your arm technique, and allow you to focus on correct breathing actions.


Also called flippers, swimmers of all levels can use them. For beginners, they are useful for developing the correct back crawl and leg kick and also the core stability and leg strength for improving your technique.


These are long cylindrical pieces made of foam. These are also used by all ages but are especially useful for beginners as they can be used in various ways. Floating noodles can be used as a float while practicing leg kicks, between the legs, under the armpits as support when swimming, under the waist, or for different forms of aquatic exercise like aqua aerobics.

Some Essentials To Take To Your First Lesson

  • Make sure that your swimwear is as close fitting as possible. The essentials are trunks, a swimming costume, shorts/leggings, a t-shirt, a towel, or a robe. Towels and robes will help you to cover up and keep you warm. You may also check with your pool if there are any guidelines on what type of swimwear is permitted.
  • Swimming caps are mandatory for those with longer hair as they keep the hair out of the face and reduce the drag so that swimming becomes easier.
  • Although swimming goggles are not essential, they are highly recommended for adult learners as they will help you improve your technique and protect your eyes from chlorinated water.


These are some of the essential swimming equipment that all beginners should know about. They not only make it easy for them to learn to swim but also help them perfect their techniques.

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